
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kool-Aid Play dough

I remember when I was a child my mom made homemade play dough for my brother and I to play with.  I have no idea what recipe she used but it was a lot of fun to play with.  I don't know a child that doesn't enjoy playing with play dough!

February was my month to bring play dough to my daughter's pre-school class.  I'll be honest, I've never made homemade play dough before.  We've always had the store bought kind so I've never gotten around to making it.  Last week I had a note on her bag with a recipe.  We went to the store and picked out a few flavors of Kool-Aid (which my kids have never had before!).  My daughter wanted to make hot pink and she chose red for her brother.  We also picked up light pink but haven't made that one.  It was a lot of fun to make!  However, my daughter was slightly disappointed when when "hot pink" looked exactly like her brother's red.  Oh, well.  Live and learn.

Recipe for Kool-Aid Play dough

2 1/2 cups flour
1 cup salt
2 packages Kool-Aid
2 cups boiling water
3 tsp oil

Mix Dry ingredients
Add oil and boiling water


**I didn't read closely and did not notice it said 1 cup of salt.  I barely had enough salt to make two batches.

This play dough smells good, too. :)
