
Thursday, April 28, 2011

shoot and Edit - Friends/Family Edited

I had fun editing the pictures this week.  I had cute little faces to work with so that made things easy to play around with.  I'll have to try out the presets for ACR in Elements.  I actually tried them a couple months ago but I couldn't get them to work.  I took it as a Mac thing. :)  Anytime I can't figure something out I blame it on my Mac.  Ha!  Anyways, as for editing I ran them all in ACR and then Nice & Easy on all.  I'm still trying to figure out Florabella actions so I played around with some actions I hadn't used yet; however, since Ashley discussed selective color last week I went ahead and used that method on one picture this week.  I actually used Coffeshop's action Moody Pop and then painted the color back on.  Even though I don't love it I think it might work for this picture.

Florabella Swoon

Coffeeshop Moody Pop

Florabella Trixie

Florabella Shi Shi

Pioneer Woman Fresh Color

Have a great week!  Be sure to pop over and check out the other great edits.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Shoot and Edit - Friends/Family

Happy Easter, my friends!

The theme for the next edition of Shoot and Edit is Friends/Family.  Last weekend one of my best friends and her two kiddos were visiting for the weekend.  We had so much fun visiting and catching up!  Just like me, she loves to take pictures and her kids are adorable so they are captured all the time.  We took our other friend and newborn up to downtown McKinney and found some alleys and neat spots to take pictures of the kids and tiny baby!  I haven't edited any of my pictures yet so thought I'd use this week.  I couldn't pick just one though...

My SOOC for this week:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

shoot and Edit - Easter Edited

This week I just did a simple edit to my picture.  I saw that Ashley was going to discuss selective color.  It's funny, back when my daughter was a baby we hired someone to take pictures of her and he used selective color on some of the pictures.  When we were at the location he mentioned it and I thought, "Oh, yeah that sounds great."  But, then I printed a few and framed one but didn't really love it.  I just thought it was trendy so I better do it while it was a fad!  A few years ago I played around with it when I was trying to teach myself Photoshop...back when I only had one child...just a girl that didn't keep my on my toes like my two year boy!! :)  Now I only have Elements and I'm really taking the time to learn everything and maybe one day I'll be allowed to upgrade to Photoshop.  I have a Mac now and Photoshop was on a PC.  I digress.  Here is my edit of my daughter's sweet Easter's shoes that she is dying to wear tomorrow!

I hope you all have a blessed Easter!


Nice & Easy, Florabella Swoon & Jane then added a texture (Not sure who it's by) removing it from legs and shoes

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

shoot and Edit - Easter

This week the theme for Shoot and Edit is Easter.  I've been really busy around here that I'm a day late getting my post up.  I don't really even have any decorations up this year.  We've had company so I've just been in the kid mind set lately.  So, since my daughter and I bought her Easter shoes on Sunday I thought I'd take a quick picture of her new shoes.  I thought about taking a picture of the jelly beans on the counter that have been tempting me...I gave up desserts for Lent.  I'm a total sugar head!

I did however do a cute Easter activity last week with my kids.  We made Resurrection Rolls.  You can read what we did here.

Here's my SOOC:

Resurrection Rolls - Easter!

Easter is this week!  I love Easter and usually fill my kids with Eater treats, stories of Christ and traditions.  However, this year I've really fallen short.  I'm lagging in all things this year.  But, I was at a MOMS Connection meeting last Thursday and one of my sweet mom friends mentioned resurrection rolls so I came home and googled it.  I found this link and we did it right away!  It really is pretty simple and you probably have all the ingredients to do it.  I grabbed my Bible and we got started!

Here's what you need:
1 can of Crescent rolls
melted butter
cinnamon & sugar
Large Marshmallows

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Unroll the crescent rolls.  The rolls represent the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in.

Read Matthew 27:57-61
When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus. This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered it to be given to him. And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock; and he rolled a large stone against the entrance of the tomb and went away. And Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the grave.

1. The marshmallow represents Jesus.  Give one to the children.
2. Have them dip the marshmallow into the melted butter.  The butter represents the oil of embalming.  
3. Now they'll roll the marshmallow in the cinnamon/sugar combination.  These represent the spices used to the anoint the body.
4. Now wrap the marshmallow tightly in the roll, seal the marshmallow inside.  This will represent Jesus' body being wrapped after death.
5. Place the rolls in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes.  The oven represents the tomb.  Pretend it was three days.
6. Let the rolls cool.  After the rolls have cooled let the children open their rolls (cloth).  They'll discover he is no longer there!  He has risen! (The marshmallow has melted and the roll has puffed up)

Read Matthew 28:5-8

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying. Go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead; and behold, He is going ahead of you into Galilee, there you will see Him; behold, I have told you."
And they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy and ran to report it to His disciples.

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified.

You can go on to explain that he had risen from the dead, that no one had taken his body.  He appeared in person to Peter, the 12 disciples, and then to more than 500 people.  Rising from the dead proved he was the Messiah.

May you have a blessed Easter with your loved ones!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

shoot and Edit - Faith Edited

This week for my edit I decided to add a couple textures and add part of the scripture read during our wedding.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Make a Rainbow with your Kids

Have you ever wondered how to make a rainbow with your kids?  Here's an easy way to make one in your kitchen!  All you need is glasses, water, food dye and a spoon.

Step 1: Line up six glasses and fill every other glass about half full with water.
Step 2: In the first glass put 3 drops of red food dye and stir.
Step 3: In the third glass put 3 drops of yellow food dye and stir.
Step 4: In the fifth glass put 3 drops of blue dye and stir.
Step 5: Pour a little of the red and yellow into the second glass and you get orange.
Step six: Pour a little of the yellow and blue into the fourth glass and you'll get green.
Step seven: Pour a little of the red and blue into the sixth glass and you'll get purple.

Lastly,you can pour a little of each color into another glass and you'll get brown.

Now you've made a RAINBOW!

Now if it would just rain outside we could try and find a real rainbow.  I really want to capture a rainbow on film or memory stick. ;)

Shoot and Edit - Faith

 This week over at Shoot and Edit or Good to Wow is Faith.  The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Faith is my Bible and then crosses and church but I decided to go a little deeper.  I really thought about the meaning of faith.

Here's my SOOC this week:

I have complete trust and faith in the man I married.  I know that I can always have faith in my husband and in Him.  What a gracious Lord we have for providing me with such a great husband.