
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Welcome to my new blog

This is my first post on my crafty blog!  I have another blog for my family and friends with pictures of my kiddos but I thought it would be fun to post the ideas I've been finding and creating with my kids from other wonderful blogs and websites out there in cyber world.  It can take a lot of effort to search and search for fun things to do with your kids.  I hope you'll find some new and creative things to do with them here!


  1. How fun to have a craft blog too. For awhile I had a photography blog in addition to my family one. I always intend to do more crafts so maybe you will inspire me.

  2. OK.... You are so CREATIVE!!!!! This is soooo CUTE!!!!! And your kiddoes are so lucky!
    I might have to copy your blog background to is so stink'n adorable!!!!!!!
